St Mary's Church Slough
Your local ChurchParish of Upton cum Chalvey
Update 14 February
See Church Events and Events for both regular and other happenings, e.g. Sunday services, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Walsingham Pilgrimage, Start the Week, Parish meetings
Tuesday Mass: If you are free in the week have you thought about coming to our 10.00am midweek Mass? The service lasts 30 minutes and is followed by tea/coffee.
Children and Holy Communion
In the Church of England, the Bishop may allow children to receive Holy Communion before they are confirmed, after appropriate preparation and with parental consent. The PCC have asked for this to happen in this parish and so we will be preparing children to receive Holy Communion through Lent so that they can receive the sacrament on Easter Day. Please speak to Fr Scott or Fr Andrew if you want to know more.
Parish Giving
You can give your Sunday offering by card using the SumUp machine which is available over coffee or through CofE Parish Giving. For more information see the leaflet in church or here.
Visit the Publications page for the weekly pew sheet and hymns, latest News and views from our team churches, diary and our Mission Action Plan
Our PCC Minute Secretary, after many years in St Mary’s, has moved away. This means that we need someone new to do the administration of the PCC. This is a vital job, can you help?
School Governor: Could you be a Governor at St Mary’s Church of England primary School? We can nominate two Foundation Governors to our church school and we have a vacancy. As well as being able to uphold the Christian ethos of the school you should also bring some skills to the governing body from your work or life experience and have a strong interest in education. If you are interested, please speak to Fr Scott.
Two new Bishops for the Oxford Diocese with the Bishop of Buckingham for our parish. More information.
Children. Shelein is our Children’s Worker, and she will be running our craft table each Sunday. We plan to relaunch Sunday School in the vestry once we are a little bigger and can spare a second adult on a rota basis.
Please note activity bags for use with parent/carer will be offered when Shelein is unavailable.
If you can help with preparing, serving or clearing up after refreshments on a Sunday morning then please join in and/or let Jean Smith know.
If you would like to be more involved in worship, e.g. readings, serving, then please talk to Fr Scott or a Churchwarden, (Jean Smith or Derek White-Taylor)
WhatsApp: If you are interested in joining a Whatsapp group for St Mary’s then please use the QR code on the weekly sheet or speak to one of the sidespeople.
Parish Giving
You can give your Sunday offering by card using the SumUp machine which is available over coffee.
Keeping in Touch – please see our page for securely sharing your contact information with us
Like and share our Facebook page
Covid The infection is still out there, see the latest government statistics.
Please be careful about hygiene and make space for those who wish to observe social distancing. update.
Please be aware that outside and in the entrance to St Mary’s you are on CCTV.
The images are taken for your protection and are only viewed if the police ask for information.
The images are automatically erased after a few weeks.
Photo by Rich Smith on Unsplash
Giving envelopes are now available and if anyone wishes to support the church on a regular basis please contact Deputy Churchwarden, Jean Smith.
Your Responsibilty
Although we take every precaution in our worship to prevent the spread of covid-19 the fundamental responsibility is that of everybody present. Do not attend if you have any symptoms which may be covid, or if you have been in contact with any person so diagnosed.
History of St Mary’s Church
The building stating today was designed by John Oldrid Scott; building started in 1874, and was completed in 1913 with the addition of the tower and spire.
The church houses some unique stained glass. The completely abstract west window – one of the first of its kind – was created by Alfred Wolmark in 1915.

HIRE the Church
This is the largest concert venue in Slough, one of the most flexible and is reasonably priced by the hour or day.
Suitable for concerts, conferences, meetings, presentations, social events.
seats 375
flexible seating/display area
meeting room/green room
snack and tea/coffee
fully accessible
toilets with disabled access
baby changing facilities
hearing loop
flexible stage arrangement
grand piano
stage lighting
free wifi
disabled parking
ample nearby parking
good public transport links
For a quote or for more information, call Jean Smith on 0771 752 3744 or email: [email protected]
Our Schools
Saint Mary’s Church of England Primary School
Slough and Eton Church of England Business and Enterprise College
Get Involved
Bell Ringing
Choir & Organ
Other Services