War Graves at St Mary's Church

The War Graves in St Mary’s

The idea behind this page is to start a conversation for people to get in touch and let us know about the people who fought and died for this country in any of the wars – whilst detailing the actual people (this being the obvious and easy part) what I personally would love is to get some of the stories behind these people so we have a record and something personal to share with the community.

There are 33 casualties from the 1st World War buried here.

With this in mind if anyone has any information to share or personal knowledge I would love to hear from you

Feel free to either email me direct (Paul Fogg) from the button below or fill in the form – any background information will be great.

PS – the page is a work in progress and as I get time I will be adding as much detail as possible. Having discovered there are 41 war graves I’m working on getting all of these onto the website

Selected Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Much extra details collected by Pauline Hodge

14 + 7 =

I have spoken to Pauline Hodges who has given me some insight into the people buried here and where to start putting the information together

From the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission   From this website I have the following data CasualtySearch_09_07_2021_57