Church Events
Harvest Festival – 29 September 9.30am
We will be collecting for Slough Foodbank.
Wish list: pasta sauce, tinned vegetables, tinned meat, tinned fruit, tinned rice pudding, long-life fruit juice, long-life milk, jam, long-life sponge puddings, coffee & sugar.
Other services in the Parish
St Peter’s
Sundays: 11.00am Family Eucharist with children’s group
Wednesdays: 9.30am Holy Communion
St Laurence’s
Sundays: 11.00am Family Eucharist with children’s group
Thursdays: 10.00am Morning Prayer
Mulling it over: Study and social circle
First Tuesday of the month 2.00 – 3.30pm St Laurence’s
Tea, Chat, Bible Study and Prayer Group led by Revd Linda Hillier
Everyone is welcome.