Lots of Ways to Get Involved.

Being a Server

Our Church Electoral Roll (membership list), please  complete this form if you wish to be included.  

Bell Ringing

Choir and Organ

Online Services

Online Giving


A team of servers (aged 5 upwards) assists in our worship, mainly at the Sunday Sung Eucharist. New recruits or seasoned veterans are very welcome to join.

We particularly welcome members of the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary, to which many of our servers belong.


The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary

The Guild was founded in 1898 to enrich the spiritual life of altar servers. The local chapter (or branch) of Saint Frideswide was founded at our Church in 1921, and meets about once a month for worship. All Servers, whether members or not, are welcome at these meetings.

Choir & Organ

St Mary’s congregation is once again enjoying singing at the services.

We can have music at our Sunday worship and evensong accompanied by the splendid organ.


The Norman and Beard Organ

Built in 1912 by Norman and Beard, the organ was played at its dedication by Sir Walter Parratt, then organist at Saint George’s Chapel Windsor. A three manual instrument, it has 37 speaking stops and nine couplers with over 2,400 pipes. Pitched to French diapason, it is a splendid example of an English Romantic organ. Outside its liturgical use, it lends itself well to solo performances and concert accompaniment.

Bell Ringing

 The church tower is home to a ring of ten bells, the tenor weighing 17½ cwt. The original bells were cast in 1619 by Richard Eldridge, of which only one survives. The nine newer bells were all cast by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, the last two being added after the others as a memorial donation in 1949.

Bell Ringers:

Could bell ringing be your perfect activity?

– A hobby for life
– For all faiths and none
– An easy way to make friends – be part of a team and wider community
– For anyone over 10 years of age, individuals, couples, families or groups.
– A gentle workout – physical exercise with mental stimulation – burns calories, tones muscles and relieves stress
– Boosts soft skills – teamwork, leadership, coordination, concentration, listening and analytical thinking
– A great activity at university – or anywhere in the UK (and a few places beyond)
– Full of variety – a centuries-old skill with endless choices and places to visit
– Makes your community’s soundscape: Sunday services, weddings and special events
– An all-weather, year-round activity that can fit your other commitments
– Produces a fabulous, emotion-stirring sound for people to enjoy
– Enjoyable and satisfying – experience new achievements
– You don’t need to be musical, mathematical or strong.
– Inexpensive


Trevor Woodward    Tel: 07703 460372     [email protected]


Online Giving


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